Final Project Idea

For the final project of this class, I have a lot of vague ideas but need to decide on one based on its practicality! I know what I want to use for the project but I’m trying to figure out if I want to make that in an interactive game form or an art form. Either an interactive art that takes input from the arduino through different body movements or a game that works on the same mechanism.

Things that I’m sure of:

  1. Including the whole body as a part of this as after the readings from this class, one of my biggest takeaways has been using the entire body or atleast just more than hands for creating an immersive experience.
  2. I want to try to use flex and force sensors since I’ve never had a chance to use them for the weekly assignments yet
  3. I’m a person who has the shortest attention span and loses interest very quickly so I want to make something that is long lasting fun and not something that looses it charm after 2 minutes.

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