Week 11 – Reading Response

The reading about design and disability really got me thinking. It showed how something as simple as fashion can change how we view things like glasses or other aids for individuals with disabilities. I used to wonder how glasses became a style statement, making people proud to wear them unlike other kinds of devices such as hearing aids. However, I particularly appreciate that the author addresses these devices as earwear and bodywear. They’re just something that people wear like clothes, and those devices hold very sentimental details for the designer, which shouldn’t make the individual feel odd or unusual.

The example of Aimee Mullins is especially an inspiring example that shows how prosthetic legs can be a way to express oneself, which is pretty amazing. It further illustrates how fashion can help designers make special aid devices more normalized and less visible, reducing the stigma of disability.

The main idea that I really liked about this reading is how design can make a huge difference for people with disabilities. Design isn’t just about making things look good; it’s about making life easier and more inclusive for them. Fashion can play a role in making people feel confident about using assistive devices. And when designs are simple, they make life easier for everyone, not just those with disabilities. The idea that simple designs work better, like what Apple does, totally makes sense. Simple things are easier for everyone to use, regardless of age or abilities of individuals. The reading discussed how it’s sometimes better to make designs specifically for one person instead of trying to make something that accommodates everyone.

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