week 10: Reflection

I agree with Bret Victor about how our hands are essential for interacting with things. He talks about the problems with the “Picture Under Glass” idea, where we use our hands to touch a flat screen. But I think things have changed now because of new technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and haptic (touch) devices. While touchscreens are good, we shouldn’t only depend on them. We should look into new ways that make using computers feel more natural and easy, like haptic feedback. This can make our computer interactions more exciting.  Just think about being able to feel the texture of something in a virtual world or moving it around with your hands – when you think about it , how is that even possible? there’s a million of “how’s?” in my head but i guess we will wait and see. Instead of picking just one way, we should try to use different ways together to make the computer experience the best it can be. Combining touch, voice, and visuals can give us the most amazing and easy way to use computers all over.

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