Week 10- Reflection

The author, who used to design cool future stuff, isn’t really feeling the video about the future of how we interact with things. They’ve got hands-on experience, not just theory, so when they say they’re a bit skeptical about some things in the video, you gotta listen.  This vision of the future isn’t all that visionary. It’s like a tiny step from what we’ve got now.What the author really cares about is hands. They’re all about how our hands feel things and mess with stuff. But the video seems to be all about sacrificing that cool touchy-feely action for a flashy visual show.  They argue that real-world interactions, like opening a jar or making a sandwich, are way more expressive than what we do with touchscreens. They’re not on board with the idea that the future of how we interact should be less exciting than putting together a sandwich! Be inspired by what humans can do; it is just a reminder that big ideas come from people who dared to dream big. They’re pushing for more people to get on board with exploring what we can really do instead of settling for small improvements. the moral of it all is “Hey, let’s not be boring with the future. Let’s make it cool and interactive, using all our awesome human abilities!” It’s a call to think big and not settle for the same old stuff.

I also agree with old people when they complain about touch-screen. Buttons are not only fun, but they are right there. Remote controls are very usuful becuase of the clear button that are clearly visible. Unlike touch screen where it was made for the object to just look advanced and cool with unclear objective.

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