Week 10 | Creative Reading Reflection: A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design

Creative Reading Reflection – A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design :

Bret Victor critiques current interactive design limitations and promotes a more unique and intuitive approach for future projects. He underscores the significance of human capabilities, especially touch and hand abilities, in tool and technology design. Victor criticizes the common use of “Pictures Under Glass” interfaces, favoring visual over tactile feedback, and advocates for a more dynamic and immersive medium that involves multiple senses. He urges readers to draw inspiration from untapped human potential and pursue ambitious, long-term visions in interaction design.

What I find compelling in this passage is the push to rethink how we design interactions. The comparison of making a sandwich and the intricate movements of our hands and bodies highlights the richness of human abilities. It can inspire us to move beyond current technology limits and explore the untapped potential of our hands and bodies in shaping the future of how we interact with computers.

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