Week 10 – Response

The Future of Interaction Design  and Responses: A Brief Rant on the Future of Interaction Design:

The rant is about a problem in interaction designs now. They are not tangible interfaces, dynamic materials, and/or haptic. Human Capabilities were the main concern of the author. I think humans’ capabilities are daffier. As much as it was an interesting read as much as it is not inclusive. There are a lot of responsibilities and an interactive designer needs to keep in mind in terms of inclusivity. I think accessibility is a big concern. I agree that capabilities like our hands and fingers can do a lot of things and influence our futures and how they are incredible but this also made me think of those who do not have them. What should an interaction designer do? How can we help? How should we compensate?  I do not know the answer, but I hope one day I will.

I like the part when he/she started to talk about choices, and we chose what to do and how to interact. I agree and I think as interactive designers we should choose to have a responsibility to make our designs inclusive as much as we can.

I think there is a lot to be done in research regarding tangible interfaces, dynamic materials, and haptic because they are somehow inadequate. Thus, I wonder what would be a dynamic medium for keyboards.

Even though he is trying to challenge us to create designs that take advantage of our capabilities I think there should be a balance between that and the idea that capabilities might not always be equal.


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