Week 9 – Simon Says on Arduino

With what we currently know about Arduino, there were many things I am technically incapable of making yet, such as using the servo/motors or the LCD screen. Given the lax requirements for this week’s project of having 1 analog and 1 digital button, and 2 LEDs, I wasn’t sure what I could do with it what I currently have ( momentary switches, light detecting diodes ) while still being creative, so I thought of making a game of sorts and I came up with a memory game with the buttons.

The light detecting diode ( analog ) is used to start/restart the game. When the LDR is covered and it becomes dark, the game is started. The momentary buttons are used to play the game.

Once the game is started, the LEDs will blink in sequence, and you have to replicate the sequence with the aptly-colored buttons to light up the same LEDs in the same order. There are multiple rounds, starting with 1 LED, all the way up to 8 LEDs. The sequence will blink again at the start of each round, with the addition of a new LED in the sequence. The player will have to rely on their memory to press the 8 LEDs in the right order.

The LEDs also double both as the game mechanism, and information mechanism. I use the LEDs to display game state information too. When the user has lost ( pressed an LED in the wrong order) , the LEDs will all blink twice before turning off. When the user has won, the LEDs will blink in a fun pattern on repeat until a new game is started.

Video demo : In the first attempt, I made a mistake and the ‘loss sequence’ plays. The second attempt, I complete the challenge and the ‘victory sequence’ plays.


It would be fun to use other forms of inputs other than buttons for this game! I was thinking of using the ultrasonic detector as a challenge too, e.g player has to remember the distance they have to trigger the ultrasonic detector. Perhaps once I learn about more sensors and inputs, I could think about implementing them into this game so there’s more variety rather than just a sequence of LEDs.

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