So I was thinking of how I could make something creative enough to pass this assignment vibes check so I thought of photocell ( which is digital) and a Tactile push button ( which is analog ) to light up my cute little car,
You know how it is when you’re driving in the dark – you need those headlights on, and when you want to change lanes, you’ve gotta give a signal. That’s exactly what I wanted to mimic.
So, when it gets dark, my little car’s headlights kick in with the help of two LEDs, and if I want to switch lanes, I just press that button, and the LEDs start blinking to signal my lane change. Cool, right.
Materials I used:
- Arduino board (e.g., Arduino Uno)
- 2 LEDs (green)
- 2 x 220-ohm resistors (for current limiting)
- Tactile push-button switch
- Photocell (Light-dependent resistor, LDR)
- 10k-ohm resistor (for voltage divider)
- Breadboard and jumper wires
if its not THAT clear from the pic:
- I connected a jumper wire from the ground (GND) rail on the breadboard to the GND (ground) pin on the Arduino.
- I then connected a jumper wire from the 5V rail on the breadboard to the 5V pin on the Arduino.
- I then connect another jumper wire from the 5V rail on the breadboard to the row where the side of the photocell connected to 5V is placed.
- Finally I used a jumper wire to connect the other side of the photocell to the same row as the 10k-ohm resistor’s other end.
const int led1Pin = 8; // Define a constant integer variable for the pin of the first LED. const int led2Pin = 9; // Define a constant integer variable for the pin of the second LED. const int buttonPin = 2; // Define a constant integer variable for the pin of the tactile button. const int photocellPin = A0; // Define a constant integer variable for the pin of the photocell sensor. int led1State = LOW; // Initialize an integer variable to store the state of the first LED as LOW. int led2State = LOW; // Initialize an integer variable to store the state of the second LED as LOW. int buttonState = LOW; // Initialize an integer variable to store the state of the tactile button as LOW. int lastButtonState = LOW; // Initialize an integer variable to store the previous state of the button as LOW. int lightValue = 0; // Initialize an integer variable to store the light reading from the photocell. int threshold = 500; // Set a threshold value for the light reading. You can adjust this value based on your environment. void setup() { pinMode(led1Pin, OUTPUT); // Set the pin of the first LED as an OUTPUT. pinMode(led2Pin, OUTPUT); // Set the pin of the second LED as an OUTPUT. pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the pin of the tactile button as an INPUT with internal pull-up resistor. pinMode(photocellPin, INPUT); // Set the pin of the photocell sensor as an INPUT. } void loop() { lightValue = analogRead(photocellPin); // Read the analog value from the photocell sensor. // Check the photocell value to determine whether it's dark or light. if (lightValue < threshold) { // It's dark, turn both LEDs on. digitalWrite(led1Pin, HIGH); // Turn on the first LED. digitalWrite(led2Pin, HIGH); // Turn on the second LED. } else { // It's light, turn both LEDs off. digitalWrite(led1Pin, LOW); // Turn off the first LED. digitalWrite(led2Pin, LOW); // Turn off the second LED. } buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // Read the state of the tactile button. if (buttonState != lastButtonState) { if (buttonState == LOW) { // Button pressed, toggle LED states based on previous states. if (led1State == LOW && led2State == LOW) { led1State = HIGH; } else if (led1State == HIGH && led2State == LOW) { led2State = HIGH; led1State = LOW; } else { led2State = LOW; } digitalWrite(led1Pin, led1State); // Set the state of the first LED. digitalWrite(led2Pin, led2State); // Set the state of the second LED. } delay(50); // Introduce a debounce delay to prevent rapid button presses. } lastButtonState = buttonState; // Store the current button state for comparison in the next loop iteration. }
This might not have been a supper Idea, However I faced a little creativity block this week that took me a hard time to set a side