Week 8: Unusual Switch

Concept: For this assignment, I wanted to develop a concept related to car parking. As a driver, I often find parking to be the most challenging part of the process. I spend a lot of time trying to gauge if I’m at the right distance, whether my car is perfectly within the parking space, and whether I’m about to bump into the front wall. To address these concerns, I came up with a model that incorporates a simple solution: when your car is properly within the parking boundaries, a light starts blinking, indicating that you’ve successfully parked your car.



Materials and components used: LED lights, Cardboard box, Resistor, Wire, Aluminum foil, tape, Breadboard, and Arduino board. By using these elements, I created a parking lot, and a simple series connection, connected with aluminum foil. Two wired are attached with aluminum foil, when they are in contact, the LED lit up which indicates that the car is parked rightly.


I am content with my work, yet I would like improve it by adding some sound element if parked wrongly. And also I would like to improve the setup as well.

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