WEEK 8: Unusual Soulmates


When two soulmates meet, both of their worlds light up. That’s exactly what’s happening in this assignment. I chose to use mine and my bestfriend’s matching bracelets to make the circuit complete and the LED light up. If the bracelets don’t touch, the LED won’t go on.


I used the following elements to make the circuit work:

-The matching bracelets (the conductive part is the gold rods)

-The following elements from the Sparkfun Kit:

-The circuit:


Here’s the video (click to download): IMG_7984


I had so much fun working on this assignment. The process was straightforward and I didn’t face any challenges because the idea is simple. If I do this assignment again, I would maybe try to make it more aesthetic. For now, I like how it turned out because it matches the requirements of the assignment efficiently.


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