Week 8: Reading Response

In Norman’s text, “Emotion & Design: Attractive Things Work Better,” the author explores the importance of aesthetics and first impressions in website design. He emphasizes that users tend to judge a website based on its initial look and feel, which significantly influences their perception of its quality and trustworthiness. The concept of the three cognitive stages (visceral, behavioral, and reflective) sheds light on the fact that aesthetics often take precedence over content. The reference to the connection between affect and cognition highlights that our emotions and cognitive processes are intertwined, and designers should consider both aspects to create truly effective and user-friendly designs. One excellent example of interactive media that highlights the importance of both usability and aesthetics is a mobile app. Mobile apps are prevalent in our daily lives and encompass various categories, from social media and productivity tools to games and entertainment. The visual design of the app, including color schemes, typography, and overall layout, significantly affects the aesthetics. A visually appealing app with a well-thought-out design can make users more likely to engage with it and spend more time on it.

Furthermore, Hamilton’s text provides the early days of the Apollo program and her pioneering contributions to computer science and software engineering. She defied societal expectations for women at the time and played a pivotal role in the coding of Apollo missions. Her meticulous attention to detail, evidenced by cautionary notes like ‘Do not touch P01,’ ensured the astronauts’ safety. Hamilton faced challenges and made mistakes during her journey, but her deep passion for her work never wavered. Her lasting commitment, combined with her remarkable contributions, portrays her as a pioneer who left a significant mark on the tech world. I greatly admire Margaret Hamilton and her influence on software engineering. Her story inspires everyone, demonstrating the endless potential that comes from dedicating yourself to your craft with innovation and genuine love.

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