Week 8 – Assignment – Unusual switch – Sailboat

As we begin exploring physical computing, I find it extremely interesting to create simple circuits in replicating mechanisms. This week’s assignment to create an unusual switch provided me the opportunity to get creative. After a lot of contemplation to come up with an idea, I finally decided to create a boat using origami with a sail that flutters with the wind. The idea is inspired from the scenic view of sailboats along Abu Dhabi Corniche. The working of the project is such that when the sail comes in contact with the pole at the back, the circuit is completed and the LED bulb glows.





To implement the simple circuit, I have used a resistor, an LED, a breadboard, the Arduino and connecting jumper wires. The pole and the sail have been covered with Aluminium foil to serve as conductors. The model was tested outdoors, and was observed to successfully work with the wind.

I found this assignment to be particularly interesting, as it involved more ideation than implementation of the concept. I am satisfied with the end result of achieving a switch without the use of hands.

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