Week 8: Arduino Project | Don’t open the diary!


(You can watch the video here)

When the diary is closed, it will complete an electrical circuit, allowing current to flow, and turning the switch “on.”  The yellow
LED light should be on when the diary is closed because usually, we should not read someone’s diary. So, in this project, I am using a diary as a privacy indicator. When the diary is closed, a tiny LED on its cover lights up, signaling that it’s off-limits and private. The light is a visual reminder to respect personal boundaries and not read someone’s personal thoughts. It’s a straightforward way to encourage privacy and uphold the tradition of keeping diaries safe from prying eyes.

During the project, there were some challenges. Attaching jumper wires to the diary’s pages was a bit tricky, and electric tape was used to help keep the copper wire in place, even though it may not look very clean. Another challenge was dealing with the copper wire – its insulation had to be removed to ensure the electrical circuit worked. Sometimes, the LED didn’t light up consistently when the diary was closed, likely due to difficulties in securing the copper wire in the notebook. Despite these challenges, the project successfully turned a diary into a privacy reminder.

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