Smart Journal


For this assignment, I decided to make something that can be used in real life. Although the project I made is not necessarily convenient, the concept can be applied in our daily lives. The idea is that sometimes we might want to journal at night on our beds or write a few thoughts in our diaries, and might not have a lamp or quick access to light, hence, I decided to attach the light to the notebook, so that once it’s opened, the light turns on for visibility. This idea definitely needs proper implementation and more serious tools for it to be convenient and easy to use, easy to plug and unplug in reality and it definitely requires a brighter or bigger LED to be connected. Text book with bulb Royalty Free Vector Image - VectorStock

Highlight : I would say that the highlight of this assignment is figuring out how the connection between the wires work and where and how aluminum can be used to facilitate the implementation. I personally found it interesting to play around with the wires and learn how aluminum can connect the wires together to make the LED light up. 

Reflection: I made one mistake in my assignment by using the 10k resistor instead of the 330 without knowing the difference. I’ve also experienced 330 made the LED brighter but I’m not sure if that’s actually the case. It did take me a while to think of something creative without using code which I think was the main challenge in this assignment. I would have tried to make it look more decent and convenient if I had this idea from the start. I initially wanted the LED to light up when someone presses a pen on a piece of paper as they write but I faced some difficulties and thought of this!  For the implementation I used the instructions from the instructors notes and went on ahead with experimenting my ideas.


Video demonstration:


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