Midterm Project: I’m Not/Too Bored


Boredom is a state of mind that craves some type of change. I ask myself sometimes when was the last time I have gotten bored. My answer would be is that I do not remember. While discussing other’s people state or level of boredom, I can see a glimpse of the different life each one of us has. As well as the pace humans like to take for themselves.

In my game I’m Not/Too Bored I wanted to create a dialogue between characters that experince different life pace than others. Each holds a unique lifestyle that changes how they decide to go on with their way of living. While engaging in a conversation with three people, I want to gain data, that shouldn’t be too seriously taken, to showcase the level of boredom the player might experince in life. I could also add a little input that could help them as I myself never get bored.


I started with the type of questions I wanted to ask, but I also didn’t want to make them way too deep; mostly because the results are not serious.

I started by coming up with NPC designs both in a small miniture version and the speaking version.

Drawing the background was fun as it was the first time drawing in pixels.




Coding could be said as the most diffecult and least enjoyable part. However I did manege to add my images, sound, and font to my likings.


In the code below is how I made my characters clickable so they could answer the questions.

    // Check if a character is clicked and handle interactions
    if (
      mouseX > 50 &&
      mouseX < 50 + hugo.width &&
      mouseY > 135 &&
      mouseY < 135 + hugo.height
    ) {
      // Handle interactions for Hugo character
      // Display questions for Hugo and handle answers
    } else if (
      mouseX > 280 &&
      mouseX < 280 + rene.width &&
      mouseY > 162 &&
      mouseY < 162 + rene.height
    ) {
      // Handle interactions for Rene character
      // Display questions for Rene and handle answers
    } else if (
      mouseX > 0 &&
      mouseX < fuLi.width &&
      mouseY > 0 &&
      mouseY < fuLi.height
    ) {
      // Handle interactions for Fuli character
      // Display questions for Fuli and handle answers

This is the class where the questions were saved:

class Questions {
  constructor() {
    this.characterQuestions = {
      hugo: [
        { question: "Is it easy for you to concentrate on your activities?", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },
        { question: "Frequently when you're working do you find yourself worrying about other things?", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },
        { question: "Does time always seem to be passing slowly?", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },
      rene: [
        { question: "Do you often find yourself at 'loose ends,' not knowing what to do?", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },
        { question: "Do you often get trapped in situations where you find yourself doing meaningless things?", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },
        { question: "Does having to look at someone's home movies or travel pics bore you tremendously?", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },
      fuli: [
        { question: "Do you find it easy to entertain yourself?", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },
        { question: "In any situation, you can usually find something to do or see to keep yourself interested.", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },
        { question: "Much of the time you just sit around doing nothing, and you are very good at being patient.", options: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe/Sometimes"] },

  getQuestion(character, questionIndex) {
    return this.characterQuestions[character][questionIndex];

  calculateResults(answers) {
    const counts = { Yes: 0, No: 0, 'Maybe/Sometimes': 0 };

    answers.forEach(answer => {

    const maxCount = Math.max(...Object.values(counts));
    const majorityAnswer = Object.keys(counts).find(key => counts[key] === maxCount);

    return majorityAnswer;

// Export the Questions class for use in sketch.js
module.exports = Questions;

Possible Improvement:

I wish I could go around the local server issues when it comes to displaying my images.

I want only for certain keys to play the sound not all of them.

I wanted to showcase the results in a different way.


Edit: https://editor.p5js.org/mariamalkhoori/sketches/L-i2O01PV

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