Midterm Project

Full Link to the Project: https://editor.p5js.org/MayaLeeeeee/sketches/-N67RBhJJ

Project: Hey, Breathe

*** The project is shown cut-off due to the layout of the Intro to IM page.

The overall concept was to create an interactive game, where the movement of the player would depend on the voice of them. I initially planned to use both pitch and volume for the movement. (Higher pitch would move the character up, lower pitch would move the character down; higher volume would make the character move faster,  lower volume would make the character move slower).

However, as I continued with my work, I had to change that. Although playing with the pitch of sound was interesting (the playing of the game was really funny), it was absolutely impossible to play the game. The pitch changed so much that the character couldn’t stay still and it continuously spiked up and came down. I tried to manipulate it, but there was not much I can do to lower the sensitivity etc.

So, I changed the up and down movement to arrow keys. However, I did keep the idea of the input sound’s volume deciding how fast the character is moving. I wanted the character’s x position to stay still, so this eventually became the speed of the map moving.

Basically, I have 3 elements in my game: character, obstacles, and collectibles. The red circle is the player, the black box the obstacles, and the green circles the collectibles. For the obstacles and the collectibles, I had to find a way to keep track of their locations, so that I can check if the player has hit the obstacle or has collected the collectible. I do so by using an array.

for (let i = obstacles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    if (gameStart && character.hits(obstacles[i])) { //check if it hits obstacles
      console.log("Game Over");
      isGameOver = true;
      song.play(); //sound effect for when game over
    if (obstacles[i] && obstacles[i].offscreen()) { //if offscreen, delete the obstacle from array
      obstacles.splice(i, 1);

I push a new obstacle/collectible into the corresponding array. I also use splice when I check if there’s anything off screen. I check the locations of obstacles and collectibles, see if they’re off screen, and if so, delete them from the array by using splice.

Future Improvements)
There is a bug where if the volume of the input sound is too big, the player passes right through the obstacles and doesn’t end the game. I am guessing that the speed of movement is quicker than the speed of checking (or something like that), and the program is not perfectly checking all the obstacles etc.

*** sound used: https://freesound.org/people/MATRIXXX_/sounds/345666/

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