Midterm progress


For my midterm project, I decided not to make a game, and rather focus on creating a program for an emotional experience. I think that midterms are always associated with stress and people need to find a way to balance these emotions and have time to focus on their well-being. Therefore, I decided to create a meditation program that will allow its users to calm themselves and enjoy self-care exercises.


I started off by visualizing my project. Below you can see the developed design.


Here is a more detailed look at the three exercises I’m planning to create:

Frightening moments

The most frightening part for me is to understand how to create several pages that can be manipulated with buttons. I tried to look at the students’ codes, however, they were very complicated and I could not understand them. Therefore, with the help of the professor, I decided to use a switch statement to manipulate different cases (scenes) within the program.

Another complexity was regarding the buttons. For my program, I wanted to have a button as an image. So, a built-in function of creating a button was not appropriate. After doing some search, I eliminated this issue by finding a code that could help me to create and program my own buttons that are images. You can view the code here.

Also, I felt overwhelmed with doing everything within one code as it is very easy to find and analyze the bug when you run a long code. Therefore, I decided to test my exercises in a separate and much shorter code, which I can later implement in the main long code. Thus, I designed two separate codes for the breathing and journaling exercises.

Breathing exercise

For now, I’m still working on debugging the code that causes issues with the switch statement and buttons. Nevertheless, I am proud that the code functions more or less. As I am finished with debugging, I am going to add two last parameters that I need: shapes and sounds.

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