Mid-Term Project 3: What A Waste



Concept of The Game:

“What A Waste” operates as an engaging educational game with a clear mission: to educate students about the crucial importance of proper waste segregation. It addresses a pressing issue in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) where recycling rates have fallen below 10%, primarily due to a lack of awareness and insufficient segregation infrastructure. The government’s sustainability goals for 2030 aim to divert 75% of waste from landfills, making proper waste segregation imperative. The game simulates real-life scenarios, such as students mistakenly placing non-recyclable items in recycling bins. Players must correctly sort recyclable items to prevent contamination in the recycling stream. By doing so, they learn the adverse consequences of unsorted waste, which not only hinder recycling but also increase the workload for recycling centers and waste management companies. “What A Waste” fosters a sense of responsibility and equips students with the knowledge and habits needed to contribute to recycling efforts, supporting the UAE’s sustainability goals and promoting a cleaner environment.

How the game works:

The game’s design incorporates a simple yet effective concept. Players click the start button, and trash items begin to fall from the screen. The challenge lies in catching and correctly placing plastic waste into the plastic recycling bin, earning 2 points for each correct placement. Catching the wrong trash, like dirty plastic plates or paper boxes, leads to a loss of life. This format tests players’ knowledge of proper recycling while making waste sorting and segregation engaging and interactive. The game’s mechanics align with its educational purpose, reinforcing the importance of correct waste management practices. It’s a game where entertainment meets education, allowing players to win by accumulating 15 points and, in turn, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Codes I am proud of:

class Basket {
  constructor() {
    this.x = width / 2; // Initialize the basket's x-position at the center of the canvas.
    this.y = height - 100; // Initialize the basket's y-position near the bottom of the canvas.
    this.width = 110; // Set the width of the basket.
    this.height = 110; // Set the height of the basket.

  // Renders the basket on the canvas.
  display() {
    // Use the image() function to display the basket image at the specified position and dimensions.
    image(basketImage, this.x - this.width / 2, this.y - this.height / 2, this.width, this.height);

  //control the horizontal movement of the basket using arrow keys.
  move() {
    if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW) && this.x > this.width / 2) {
      this.x -= basketSpeed;
    if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW) && this.x < width - this.width / 2) {
      this.x += basketSpeed;

/// objects that fall from the top of the screen in the game.
class FallingObject {
  constructor() {
    this.x = random(width); // Initialize a random horizontal position for the falling object.
    this.y = 0; // Set the initial vertical position at the top of the canvas.
    this.radius = random(50, 70); // Set the size (radius) of the falling object.
    this.speed = random(objectSpeedMin, objectSpeedMax); // Set the falling speed.
    this.image = random(trashImages); // Randomly select an image for the falling object
    // Check if the selected trash image is recyclable (true) or not (false).
    this.isRecyclable = this.image === trashImages[0] || this.image === trashImages[1] || this.image === trashImages[2]; // Check if the trash is recyclable

  display() {
    // Use the image() function to display the object's image at its current position and size.
    image(this.image, this.x - this.radius / 5, this.y - this.radius / 5, this.radius, this.radius);

 // updates the vertical position, causing the object to fall down the screen.
  fall() {
    this.y += this.speed;

“FallingObject” is my favorite part of the code because it is the heart of the game’s dynamic and unpredictable nature. The FallingObject class is responsible for creating the diverse objects that rain down on the player. Its uncertainty lies in the use of randomization, ensuring that no two objects are alike in terms of position, size, and speed. This randomness adds an element of excitement and surprise to the game, making it more engaging for players.

What’s truly remarkable is how this part of my code logically manages the recyclability aspect. By checking and categorizing the objects as recyclable or not, it directly ties into the game’s core mechanics. Thus, this coding structure effectively integrates both fun and educational elements. Furthermore, the smooth movement of these falling objects enhances the gameplay’s fluidity, which is another reason I take pride in this code section. In essence, the FallingObject class is one of the standout features in my project.

Areas for Improvement:

During the development process, some challenges were encountered, such as refining the game’s difficulty curve and maintaining a balance between fun and education. I can implement adaptive difficulty levels that adjust based on the player’s performance for the next project. If a player consistently performs well, increase the challenge. If they struggle, offer easier levels or hints. Developing adaptive difficulty will make the game remain engaging for players of different skill levels. Moreover, the accessibility of the game, especially for younger players, was one of the considerations. Ensuring that the game is both fun and easy to understand for its target audience presented a significant design challenge. Despite these challenges, I believe my project successfully aligns entertainment with educational objectives, creating a promising tool for waste segregation awareness and fostering eco-conscious habits among students.

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