Mid-Term project

Link to the sketch: https://editor.p5js.org/nafiha/full/215NRUgea

Concept : From the beginning of my mid-term project, I was inspired to create a cooking game, a passion that has been with me since my childhood. Initially torn between the realms of cooking and baking, I eventually decided to choose baking, given my fondness for it. However, as I started on the journey to develop the game, I soon realized that simulating baking was a far more complex task than actually baking in the real world.

Over the past few weeks, I hunt through into the mechanics of enabling users to click on various ingredients and watch them smoothly move towards a designated destination, such as a mixing bowl or even autonomously. I began with simple shapes like circles to grasp the fundamentals of this interaction. I focused on the feature of clicking on ingredients rather than implementing a drag-and-drop functionality, mastering these concepts before delving into the coding aspects.

What particularly piqued my interest was a class where our professor taught us how to create a dynamic, moving background. I decided to incorporate this element into my game, kickstarting my coding journey. The concept is intentionally straightforward and minimalist to ensure a hassle-free user experience. Upon starting the game, the required ingredients will be presented. Users need to simply click on each ingredient to successfully complete the game. Once the game is won, a cupcake will appear and they have the option to restart and play again. A picture of the sketch which was initially done to practice the method has been attached.

Part of the code that I am proud of  : This is the picture that I drew as a screen for instructions. The part of the code that I am especially proud of is when I learned to add the moving background as I mentioned earlier and to click on images from the computer to add on. And learning the function of lerp, was also exciting.

if (img.moving) {
// Move the image towards the center of the screen
let targetX = width / 2 - img.size / 2;
let targetY = height / 2 - img.size / 2;
let speed = 0.5; // Adjust the speed as needed
img.x = lerp(img.x, targetX, speed);
img.y = lerp(img.y, targetY, speed);
image(img.image, img.x, img.y, img.size, img.size);

Areas for improvement: Throughout the development process, I encountered numerous challenges, some of which I successfully resolved, while others remained elusive. Initially, I struggled with the issue of smoothly transitioning from one screen to the next, a task that seemed quite discouraging. After acquiring the necessary skills to address this, I then faced the problem of the background image overlapping with the added objects, which required a significant amount of time and effort to pinpoint and rectify.

In addition to these hurdles, I had originally intended to implement a time limit for the ingredient addition phase, which I, unfortunately, still couldn’t figure out. Nevertheless, apart from the time limit issue, I managed to overcome every other challenge that came my way.

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