reading response:Computer Vision for Artists and Designers: Pedagogic Tools and Techniques for Novice Programmers

This is one of my favorite readings so far and I have divided my reflections into bullet points as it was how I noted them down while reading the text :).

In the passage we read, we explored computer vision, a technology that allows machines to comprehend and engage with the visual world. This topic is intriguing due to its practical applications.

  1. Object Detection and Tracking:
    • An interesting aspect is how computer vision can identify people or objects in videos. It does this by comparing what it observes with an image of the background. When something stands out significantly from the background, it’s recognized as important. This capability is valuable, although it can be sensitive to variations in lighting.
    • Another fascinating aspect is the use of brightness to locate objects. Think about it like this: if something is significantly darker or lighter than its surroundings, computer vision can easily spot it.
    • Furthermore, there’s a straightforward method for monitoring an object in a video. It’s akin to pinpointing the brightest or darkest spot and keeping it in focus. This can serve various purposes.
  2. Basic Interactions and Their Function:
    • Computer vision isn’t solely about object recognition; it can also facilitate interactivity. For instance, there are interesting ways to interact with video games using body movements. These are like games where you see yourself in the virtual world, like a mirror.
  3. Computer Vision in Creative Tools:
    • Individuals are incorporating computer vision into tools for generating art, games, and more. This is captivating because it extends beyond web applications and is utilized in various imaginative ways.
  4. A Case Study: LimboTime:
    • We examined LimboTime, a game where computer vision tracks your actions. You can engage in a limbo contest with it. This demonstrates that anyone, even those who are new to the field, can craft enjoyable and interactive experiences using computer vision.

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