Week 5 – Reading Reflection

The study that was given as our reading covers how the technology of computer vision started and how it evolved through different usages of different artists and fields. I think most of the readers would have expected how computer vision’s utility is limitless- we’ve already seen so many works that use computer vision that suggests potentials of further development and extension.

The reading gave a good reminder that as much as using computer vision can lead to fascinating works, it holds lots of limitations and needs careful considerations in order to maintain good accuracy. The fact that how precisely the technology can work depends on our decisions is another charm of it in my opinion.

I also like how the work Suicide Box sparks questions. I understand that there can be different views (especially ethical) on the approach. I wouldn’t say a certain side is more ‘correct’ than the other. However, I do want to say that the sole fact that it sparked questions and discussions about an issue that people tended to walk away from and ignore is a significance on its own.

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