Week 5: Mid-term progress

For my mid-term project, my initial inspiration was to create a minimalist cooking game, a concept deeply rooted in my childhood experiences. During those early years, I would eagerly scour websites in search of every cooking and Barbie game available, often spending entire days immersed in these virtual culinary adventures. Drawing from my love for baking, I decided to develop a game focused on making cupcakes.

The core interaction in this game revolves around the user’s ability to add ingredients and craft a delightful cupcake. The user can click the ingredients to add them, and a cupcake would appear. To enhance the overall experience, I incorporated lively and playful background music that would accompany the gameplay.

 However, when I began coding the game, I encountered my first major hurdle: I couldn’t figure out how to call the function responsible for the cupcake’s creation. While I successfully implemented the ingredient addition aspect, the expected output of a fully-formed cupcake remained difficult to track down. These are basic coding that I have done till now. I would like to change the background to a self created portrait and add additional elements. 

Additionally, I encountered difficulties when attempting to integrate music seamlessly into the gameplay as I had initially envisioned. This obstacle prompted me to consider a more straightforward approach, where I would include a continuous background music track instead.

In summary, my mid-term project revolves around a nostalgic cooking game centered on baking cupcakes. Despite encountering challenges with function calls for cupcake creation and integrating music as part of the interactive experience, I am determined to overcome these obstacles and provide an enjoyable and immersive gaming experience for players.

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