Midterm Progress Report


In my concept, I attempt to take the viewer through an interactive journey of my development and learning through this course. We play a cat, who we can move with the arrow keys. and as we proceed the background reflects the projects from my initial weeks in the class. At the end of the journey, after week 4, lies a final interactive demonstration of what lies ahead for me in the second half of this course.

I decided on doing this project, over a more mainstream idea such as a game, due to its nature of tying together my previous development. I feel this will be a rather poetic tribute, since I am proud of my previous works and what i have learnt!




Designing the code has been a more complex challenge than I imagined. A lot of the issues stem from implementational difficulties such as bad organization of my prior code which results in cluttered and unusable code when I attempt to combine elements. Nonetheless, I seem to have made headway into the same.

Other important design elements for me include a dependence on vibrant colors on a black background. My previous projects followed this aesthetic and I believe it is the most aesthetically pleasing to continue doing the same. I have also chosen relevant copyright-free music that shows a sense of ‘adventure’ as the user moves through the adventure.


Frightening Aspects:

The most frightening, volatile, and uncertain aspect of this project for me is the final ‘interactive stage’. This seems rather obvious, since I should have the code for the building blocks of the initial stages. However, the issue is deeper than being that of just a technical implementation.

Conceptually, it has been tough to find a way to showcase the ‘future possibilities’ of this course. Technically, a couple ideas I had included features such as minigames where a robot attempts to attack you – which seem far too intricate to design. Finally, I have decided to settle on an interactive ‘task board’, tasks on which would be clickable and would show pictures of robots/AI/ other things related to our future topics of discussion, play music, etc.

Reducing the Risk:

An attempt I have made to reduce the risk is rigorously try out different possibilities that I have brainstormed – in a manner which leaves no doubt as to whether a method is viable.


Moreover, I am attempting to see if libraries can simplify my work and code organization beyond what it is now.



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