Week 5: Reading response

The author outlines several ways computer vision can be enhanced to work on identifying human beings which include but are not limited to using retro reflective marking material. This raises multiple questions in my head about the efficiency of the programs if it only works under certain conditions. I know that this is considered a huge improvement when compared to earlier solutions however I find it interesting that the author is overlooking the main problem which is that having people wear retro reflective film to be detected by the program makes the program non reusable which in turn makes it inefficient. 

The author also mentions how the program would only be able to detect objects that can be described using code or by relating it to other objects the computer understands which further makes me question whether it is reliable to use in all cases. 

The reading made me wonder how much this technology has advanced since this article has been written considering the amount of facial recognition, virtual reality and augmented reality softwares that have emerged and are being used more frequently and more accurately.

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