Week 5 – Midterm Progress

DiDecor- decorate the room and interact with the character

My concept: When I was a child, I used to play games involving the decoration of rooms of different kinds. When Professor Mang showed the example of a midterm coffee shop, I recalled this experience as the coffee shop looked a lot like one of those games. While looking at that project, I really wanted to change the furniture and play around with the different images. At that moment, I realized that I would like to create my own game with room decoration, so the furniture such as sofas, cupboards, tables, etc could be changed as shown in Fig 1. Fig 1. Room decor game example. Source: 1,334 × 750

The interactivity of the game: I will create an array of images of each of the furniture types, which can be changed by clicking the mouse on top of that particular piece of furniture, and the last shown picture will remain in the game until the user clicks one more. Additionally, I would like to create a character, who lives in this room. The user can move the character and make her sit, and talk with another character (this one isn’t movable) when clicking on that character. I liked the idea of the radio, which changes the music by clicking or stopping it. I would like to implement that with the TV or radio as well because the music sets the vibe of the room too. Additionally, if I have time, I would like to add the story at the beginning of the game how the young lady bought the house and wants the interior designer (the user) to create a design of the room and explain the rules of the game such as which buttons to click. 

Complex part of the game and minimization of risk: First, one of the challenging parts would be finding the images of pieces of furniture. Secondly, talking about the code, it seems hard for now to set the conversation between the characters. For now, I am thinking about making conditionals, so the user can choose what to answer from the given options and the reply of another character changes depending on that answer. If this is too complicated, I will make a random conversation. Each time the user clicks on the second character, a random conversation is generated between the characters, so each time, they are talking about different things but without the interaction of the user. 


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