Midterm Progress #1

Name: Designer Chair Plunge

Concept: For my midterm project I want to implement a simple game inspired by famous designer chairs. Currently I am taking a core class named “Have a Seat” where we explore various ideas about seating, posture and chair design, and so this class is my main inspiration for my midterm. Regarding the strategy of the game, I want to create a falling designer character that the user has to catch by manipulating the chair on the bottom of the screen. The chair is responsive to the mouseX position therefore the user controls the game just by the movement of the mouse.

Moodboard: –>



I firstly started by implementing the control strategy of the game with simple figures. The ball and the rectangle are both objects, and the ball starts to move faster after each successful catch to increase the pace of the game.

Further/ complex implementations:

The nexrt steps will be to replace the simple figures with the png character and the chair. I would like the chair figure to be randomized from a number of different chairs to increase the variety. I will also need to work on the start game and end game windows to match the aesthetic. I will want to add some background music and add sound effects for each succesful catch or miss. I would love to draw the figures myself, so probably this would be the most challenging part.


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