Midterm Project Progress 1: I’m Not/Too Bored


Boredom is a state of mind that craves some type of change. I ask myself sometimes when was the last time I have gotten bored. My answer would be is that I do not remember. While discussing other’s people state or level of boredom, I can see a glimpse of the different life each one of us has. As well as the pace humans like to take for themselves.

In my game I’m Not/Too Bored I wanted to create a dialogue between characters that experince different life pace than others. Each holds a unique lifestyle that changes how they decide to go on with their way of living. While engaging in a conversation with three people, I want to gain data, that shouldn’t be too seriously taken, to showcase the level of boredom the player might experince in life. I could also add a little input that could help them as I myself never get bored.

Code & Functions:
function draw() {
  //main menu 
  if (instructionsVisible) {
    image(startupImage, 0, 0, width, height);
    text("I'm Not/Too Bored", width / 2, height / 5);
    text("Use WASD keys to move around.", width / 2, height / 2 - 20);
      "Engage in conversations with all the characters",
      width / 2,
      height / 2 + 20
    text("to get a somewhat boring result!", width / 2, height / 2 + 60);
  } else {
    // Display character images only after Start button is clicked
    image(backgroundImage, 0, 0, width, height);
    //NPC locations
    image(hugo, 50, 135);
    image(fuLi, 0, 0);
    image(rene, 280, 162);
// Hide the start button after it has been clicked
function showInstructions() {
  instructionsVisible = false;
Challenges Faced:

-Controlling the appearnce time of different elements took some time to organise.

-Having my images uplaod without an external server required me to rewrite my code multiple times.

So far…:

As shown below all I have right now is the main menu and my NPC just there.

I have been able to create an acceptable looking background and characters.


Next Steps:

-My next step is to add the player and allow them to move around. I want the character to run around in certain areas ans bump into objects they can’t pass by (like a wall or table).

-Enable my characters to only engage with the NPCs if they are near them.

-Figure out a set of codes that allows the player to save the choices made after talking to each character and get the results.


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