Week 5 – Reading Response

The readings gives an overview on the development and application of the computer vision technology. While it is specifically about the computer vision technology, I think it also exemplifies the general trend of technological development: from the highly specialized sector to a novice and amateur sector. And in this development, artists play a pioneer role in populating the technology.

It is surprising to see how early the computer vision technology was utilized by artists and intertwined with virtual reality technology. This is a very good example of the co-evolution of different technologies and how artists are making attempts to explore the connections between different technologies. On the other hand, however, it can also be seen from this example of computer vision technology that the technology development is never linear. It might take many years for one technology to be fully advanced and adopted by people outside the field of techniques.

It is also meaningful to see that how we can improve the efficiency of technology by changing the physical environments. It is a great case where the physical world and digital world collaborates to achieve our goals. It is important to keep it in mind that the deficiencies in technology could be fixed by changing the physical environments the technology is situated in and that the environment can also be augmented by technology. This truly provides me with another perspective on the relationship between the physical and digital world.

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