Assignment 5: Midterm Progress

Can you remember the last time your mother held you? How it felt so good, you didn’t want it to stop? The sea really is your Great Mother. She can rock you for forever, for as long as you need, even if you need it until you die. I’ve been thinking of the sea a lot these days. At night, it stretches out so dark. The horizon–it’s so dark. It’s black. I see it a lot these days.

I’d seen a project before that resembled the picture in my head, starting with morphing mandalas. I watched Youtube videos making these linked here. The ebb and flow reminded me of the ocean. I want to capture the trance effect. The black horizon, you can’t take your eyes off it. See below:

I also wanted to incorporate elements of interactivity by taking inspiration from this video. Maybe the sea starts out in day time. And then when you click, it’s the sea at night. And lastly, I wanted to incorporate an element of generative text. This poem by Naomi Shihab Nye has also been on my mind a lot these days. (She’ll be at the university for a writers summit on October 31 by the way.) And I want the poem to play throughout the piece like subtitles for a movie. I also want to load in sounds of the ocean that get softer and louder, corresponding with the visuals. All in all, the concept is still coming together and it’s the coding part that will be difficult but. We move.

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