Week 5 – Midterm progress

For the midterm project, I wanted to implement all the concepts learned so far and at the same time create something that represented my experiences. So I arrived at the idea of creating an interactive artwork that depicts the Indian classical dance form of Kathak. I intend to bring a unique perspective to this project, drawing from my six years of learning the dance form of Kathak.

My vision for the project is to create an experience that allows the user to explore different movements and hand gestures of the dance form. Another idea that I hope to explore is the use of the string of syllables that compose a piece as a dataset which results in the corresponding footwork for the syllable, hopefully producing a depiction of the dance.

The application of sound would be integrated in the form of the sound produced by the footbells worn by the dancer. I am also thinking of exploring the concept of a sprite sheet discussed in class which I believe would produce a more realistic effect.

To begin the project, I started exploring a unique way of presenting the dancer. I came across an interesting tutorial on using Perlin noise to manipulate the pixels of an image. I tried implementing this but found the code a little complex, and I would like to work on simplifying it.


Going forward, the challenges I perceive are the implementation of the ideas that I have into code. I have experienced challenges in coding in the past that required me to change my expectations of the final result. I hope to put in the effort to explore concepts that would help my work seem realistic.

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