Week 5: Mid-term Idea


The basic concept of this game is a simple catching game where players control a basket at the bottom of the screen, moving it left and right using arrow keys, to catch objects falling from the top. The objective is to catch these falling objects to accumulate a score, with the goal of reaching a target score of 55. Once the player achieves or surpasses this score, the game concludes with a “You won!” message, testing the player’s hand-eye coordination and timing skills in the process.


Purpose of the Game:

Through this basic basket game, I would like to promote sustainability and environmental awareness. I will change the stick to a recycle bin and the falling objects to different kinds of garbage. The purpose of this recycling game is to offer an interactive platform to educate players about responsible waste management and recycling, emphasizing the positive impact of individual actions on preserving the environment. By collecting garbage with a recycling bin, the game can encourage players to adopt eco-friendly practices and underscores the significance of recycling as a means to reduce waste and conserve resources. This concept aligns with the goal of inspiring players to take real-world steps towards a cleaner and more sustainable planet.



To enhance my recycling game, I should consider implementing the following improvements:

Firstly, I should enrich the game’s visual experience with polished graphics and animations, along with a thematic background to reinforce sustainability. Secondly, I might incorporate sound effects and music for immersion. And gradually increase difficulty levels and introduce diverse recyclable items and challenges. For example, I can add power-ups, bonuses, and obstacles to make gameplay more engaging.  I would like to ensure responsiveness across devices and optimize code for smooth performance, accounting for accessibility features. Finally, I will consider localization to reach a wider audience. These enhancements can elevate the game’s impact and educational value while making it more enjoyable for my players.

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