Week 4 – Production

When I thought about text, I naturally pictured something with many writings. I felt like the continuous popping up of texts seem very similar to overthinking and graffiti. I decided to link these two concepts (overthinking and graffiti) and create a design that shows how continuous thinking of positives and negatives end up blurring what was originally there, just like a wall covered with graffitis.

Below is my work. The intention was to show how different thoughts, both negative and positive, fill up our mind so quickly. I wanted to deliver the message that at some point, we just have to stop thinking and turn off our minds. To show that, I make the screen black and show “stop overthinking” after a certain number of counts.

The code I want to highlight is where I use even and odd numbers to decide the colour of the text I’m displaying. Of course, it’s not something fancy, but it’s just a way I used to make deciding colours more simple. For this, I just had to make sure that positive and negative words are in order in my array.

while (i < 6) {
      if (i % 2 == 0)
         fill(0, 102, 153);
        fill(205, 92, 92);
      text(messages[i], random(-10, 600), random(125, 600));
      i = i + 1;


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