Reading Reflection: Week 4

I appreciated the way the author narrowed down the essential characteristics of good design to discoverability and understanding. While these are undoubtedly crucial, there are many other vital characteristics to consider, such as a clear purpose, simplicity, balance, consistency, clarity, and efficiency, among others.

When the author addressed complex designs and emphasized the quality of interaction, I wholeheartedly agreed. I believe that simplicity and complexity both have their beauty. A device or design that offers complexity can be just as captivating as a simple one because the process of discovering and learning its potential is a unique form of beauty. Each new revelation makes the user perceive the device as outstanding.

Reading about the challenges stemming from the lack of human-machine interaction highlighted the gravity of this problem. It underscored the importance of addressing these issues in design. Yes its a crucial concept in design, but the author made us understand the impacts it could create by giving examples. 

The concept of Human-Centered Design (HCD) fascinated me when the author emphasized the need for designers to focus on potential errors during the design process. I believe this is a critical consideration that every designer should keep in mind because it significantly impacts the end-user experience.

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