Midterm Progress Report #1 Drum Machine


The idea is to make a drum machine is on loop and where the user can tinker with the different sounds of the drum machine to create a beat. It’s a super fun thing to do and I thought it would be cool to learn how to make one, since it also is useful for me to teach more of the p5.sound library while at it.

This is a reference image for a general drum machine you can find online:

My current progress has been learning about the p5 sound library and the various options available with it. Currently using p5.Phrase array and p5.Part, I have been able to create a working but kinda annoying hihat beat. My aim is to add more drum sounds into the p5.Part and make options available for stuff such as bpm select, volume, play/stop functionality as well.

I am currently still figuring out how it will look like, however for now i am focusing on the function so I figure out if it can work.



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