Midterm Progress


For my midterm project, I want to create an engaging game by incorporating various elements, including sprites, background parallax scrolling, object-oriented programming (OOP), and TensorFlow.js integration for character control through either speech recognition or body motion detection (not sure if I can pull it off).

Most of the work I’ve done so far focuses on researching 2D side-scrolling game development, sprite creation, and background parallax scrolling techniques. I have also begun to explore TensorFlow.js, gaining a foundational understanding of its capabilities. The design phase is ongoing, with a focus on brainstorming methods to seamlessly integrate TensorFlow.js into the core gameplay experience. Although I have not yet begun coding, I plan to create preliminary prototypes to evaluate and refine my TensorFlow.js-based character control concept.

Potential challenges

The integration of TensorFlow.js introduces a learning curve and the potential for technical challenges. I am committed to investing the necessary time and effort to overcome these hurdles.

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