The Fading Circles


I’ve chosen to create a cognitive game for my midterm project, inspired by a warmup routine often used by professional gamers to enhance their tracking skills. This game aims to prime players for high-speed gameplay. In this straightforward yet engaging challenge, a circle appears on the screen, and the objective is to swiftly position the cursor over it and click before it vanishes. At the top of the screen, the game keeps track of successful clicks with a ‘Ball Count’ and records any missed opportunities with a ‘Balls Lost’ counter. The game continues until ten balls are lost, at which point a message will display, indicating the end of the game.

Most Challenging part(So Far):

The most challenging hurdle I encountered was generating multiple circle objects on the screen when the ball count surpasses a certain threshold, say 20. Despite my best efforts, I faced a persistent issue. When the ball count exceeded 20, the code went into overdrive, flooding the screen with hundreds of circles. No matter what approaches I attempted, I couldn’t make proper progress in this regard. Eventually, I made the decision to abandon the idea of introducing multiple circle objects. A friend pointed out that the game was already sufficiently challenging, and adding more objects would likely make it too easy to lose. This adjustment ensures that the game remains an effective warmup exercise, rather than becoming an overwhelming challenge geared towards causing the player to lose.

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