Assignment 1: Self Portrait



I’m basically using this self portrait to experiment with what I’ve learned so far (which is obviously not a lot) because let’s be honest – I’m not very artistic. I did however try to compensate for the lack of artistic accuracy by making some other aspects of the portrait interactive.

A highlight of code that I’m particularly proud of:

I thought about what it was that I could make interactive, and I settled on making my (or my sketch’s) eyes follow the mouse pointer. In the process, I  stumbled upon some other people’s sketches, and also found inspiration in Maryam’s sketch, particularly how her expression changes as you hover the mouse pointer over her face (apologies if there are multiple Maryams in our class). Without looking at the code behind it, I tried, with much initial disappointment, to do something similar, and thus finished with two interactive features: the eyes, and the facial expressions.

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//interactive eyeballs
if (mouseX<=350 && mouseY<=250) {
if (mouseX>350 && mouseY<=250) {
if (mouseX>350 && mouseY>250) {
if (mouseX<=350 && mouseY>250) {
//interactive mouth + eyebrows
if(mouseX<310 || mouseX>390) {
curve(300, 0, 310, 290, 390, 280, 300, 0);
if (mouseY<285 || mouseY>320) {
curve(300, 0, 310, 290, 390, 280, 300, 0);
if(mouseX>=310 && mouseX<=390 && mouseY>=285 && mouseY<=320) {
//interactive eyeballs if (mouseX<=350 && mouseY<=250) { fill(255) ellipse((320-(255-mouseX)/120),(200+mouseY/120),6,6) ellipse((380-(255-mouseX)/120),(200+mouseY/120),6,6) } if (mouseX>350 && mouseY<=250) { fill(255) ellipse((320-(255-mouseX)/120),(200+mouseY/120),6,6) ellipse((380-(255-mouseX)/120),(200+mouseY/120),6,6) } if (mouseX>350 && mouseY>250) { fill(255) ellipse((320-(255-mouseX)/120),(200+mouseY/120),6,6) ellipse((380-(255-mouseX)/120),(200+mouseY/120),6,6) } if (mouseX<=350 && mouseY>250) { fill(255) ellipse((320-(255-mouseX)/120),(200+mouseY/120),6,6) ellipse((380-(255-mouseX)/120),(200+mouseY/120),6,6) } //interactive mouth + eyebrows if(mouseX<310 || mouseX>390) { fill('rgb(253,91,91)') stroke('#B0764A') strokeWeight(2) curve(300, 0, 310, 290, 390, 280, 300, 0); fill('#C7A184') strokeWeight(4) curve(310,220,305,181,330,178,328,220) curve(370,220,365,181,390,178,388,220) } if (mouseY<285 || mouseY>320) { fill('rgb(253,91,91)') stroke('#B0764A') strokeWeight(2) curve(300, 0, 310, 290, 390, 280, 300, 0); fill('#C7A184') strokeWeight(4) curve(310,220,305,181,330,178,328,220) curve(370,220,365,181,390,178,388,220) } if(mouseX>=310 && mouseX<=390 && mouseY>=285 && mouseY<=320) { stroke('#B0764A') strokeWeight(4) line(320,300,390,280) line(310,175,330,180) line(365,180,385,175) }
//interactive eyeballs
  if (mouseX<=350 && mouseY<=250) {
  if (mouseX>350 && mouseY<=250) {
  if (mouseX>350 && mouseY>250) {
  if (mouseX<=350 && mouseY>250) {
  //interactive mouth + eyebrows
  if(mouseX<310 || mouseX>390) {
  curve(300, 0, 310, 290, 390, 280, 300, 0);
  if (mouseY<285 || mouseY>320) {
  curve(300, 0, 310, 290, 390, 280, 300, 0);
  if(mouseX>=310 && mouseX<=390 && mouseY>=285 && mouseY<=320) {

The sketch:

Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements:

I was limited by my familiarity with JavaScript and could use only some of the various functions it is capable of executing, so I would like to revisit this assignment – just to see how far I’ve come – at the end of this course and do more stuff (or just improve on this existing stuff).

Self Portrait – With a Twist!


Since it was the first project for the class, I wanted to make my self portrait as realistic as possible. For this reason, the first thing I did was dive into the documentation, and find a way to load images onto the canvas – so I could use a photo of mine as reference.

Following this, while I was using simple shapes to make my image, I discovered the vertex() function and the begin/endShape() function which I proceeded to use to create the more complex shapes in my portrait such as the hair and face.

Beyond these, I tried to keep my portrait as simple as possible, except the twist at the end:

If you click on the canvas, a table tennis racket spawns. I wanted my self portrait to go beyond simply showing a photo of me and be more expressive about who I was – thus I added a bit of myself through the table tennis rackets, a passion of mine.


I believe the highlight of my project was adding the spawning table tennis rackets. This code while still remaining relatively simple, involved the usage of a class and a custom function beyond the simple draw and setup functions.

One question I answered while implementing this was regarding the orientation of the rackets. I initially had them oriented vertically, but I realized that this was getting monotonous. So I used the random() function to get a randomized orientation for each racket that is created!

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for (let racket of rackets) {
drawR(racket.x, racket.y, racket.angle);
print(mouseX +","+mouseY);
function mousePressed() {
x: mouseX,
y: mouseY,
angle: random(0,2*PI)
function drawR(x, y, angle) {
translate(x, y);
// Racket handle
fill(120, 70, 40);
rect(-5, 0, 10, 30);
// Rubber
fill(200, 0, 0);
ellipse(0, -15, 40, 40);
for (let racket of rackets) { drawR(racket.x, racket.y, racket.angle); } print(mouseX +","+mouseY); } function mousePressed() { rackets.push({ x: mouseX, y: mouseY, angle: random(0,2*PI) }); } function drawR(x, y, angle) { push(); translate(x, y); rotate(angle); // Racket handle fill(120, 70, 40); rect(-5, 0, 10, 30); // Rubber fill(200, 0, 0); ellipse(0, -15, 40, 40); pop(); }
  for (let racket of rackets) {
    drawR(racket.x, racket.y, racket.angle);
  print(mouseX +","+mouseY);

function mousePressed() {
    x: mouseX,
    y: mouseY,
    angle: random(0,2*PI)

function drawR(x, y, angle) {
  translate(x, y);
  // Racket handle
  fill(120, 70, 40); 
  rect(-5, 0, 10, 30);

  // Rubber
  fill(200, 0, 0);  
  ellipse(0, -15, 40, 40);  



I believe my portrait ended up looking well, given the limited nature of the time I had to work on it. However, there are several things I would change about it if I continued to work on it. Firstly, I would improve how the racket looked, and create a mechanism to remove all rackets from the screen given the press of a button. Second, I would smoothen out my character’s outfit and possibly add more details to the face to make it look more realistic!

Overall, I really enjoyed working on this project and look forward to the rest of the class!

Self-Portrait: Me?



I wanted to create a simple cartoon that is somewhat similar to me but still includes some caricature aspects to it. I tried to use the shapes we learnt in class to create this [not so] realistic caricature of myself. Since this was my first time using p5js, I managed to use the different shapes to create my self-portrait.


I am proud of the entire code since this was my first time properly coding. It took me some time to coordinate the positions of different parts of the face, especially the mouth and teeth, and the eyes and glasses.

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function setup() {
createCanvas(350, 350);
fill(90, 56, 37);
arc(150, 135, 170, 170, PI, TWO_PI);
rect(65, 135, 170, 135);
fill(229, 181, 161);
rect(125, 220, 50, 60);
// Head
fill(232, 190, 172);
ellipse(150, 150, 145, 165);
// Eyes
ellipse(115, 135, 27, 15);
ellipse(185, 135, 27, 15);
ellipse(115, 135, 10, 15);
ellipse(185, 135, 10, 15);
fill(229, 181, 161);
triangle(150, 145, 140, 165, 160, 165);
fill(225, 160 , 164);
arc(140, 185, 80, 40, 0, HALF_PI);
fill(255, 255, 255);
rect(140, 185, 40, 5);
fill(232, 190, 172);
ellipse(70, 150, 15, 30);
ellipse(230, 150, 15, 30);
stroke(0, 0, 0);
line(100, 115, 120, 110);
line(180, 110, 200, 115);
stroke(0, 0, 0);
circle(115, 135, 40);
circle(185, 135, 40);
line(136, 135, 165, 135);
line(95, 135, 80, 140);
line(205, 135, 220, 140);
rect(75, 275, 150, 150, 30);
fill(229, 181, 161);
triangle(125, 275, 175, 275, 150, 290);
function draw() {
print(mouseX + "," + mouseY);
function setup() { createCanvas(350, 350); background(220,220,220); //Hair noStroke(); fill(90, 56, 37); arc(150, 135, 170, 170, PI, TWO_PI); rect(65, 135, 170, 135); //neck noStroke(); fill(229, 181, 161); rect(125, 220, 50, 60); // Head fill(232, 190, 172); ellipse(150, 150, 145, 165); // Eyes fill(255); ellipse(115, 135, 27, 15); ellipse(185, 135, 27, 15); fill(0); ellipse(115, 135, 10, 15); ellipse(185, 135, 10, 15); //Nose fill(229, 181, 161); triangle(150, 145, 140, 165, 160, 165); //Mouth fill(225, 160 , 164); arc(140, 185, 80, 40, 0, HALF_PI); fill(255, 255, 255); rect(140, 185, 40, 5); //Ears fill(232, 190, 172); ellipse(70, 150, 15, 30); ellipse(230, 150, 15, 30); //eyebrows noFill(); stroke(0, 0, 0); strokeWeight(2); line(100, 115, 120, 110); line(180, 110, 200, 115); //Glasses noFill(); stroke(0, 0, 0); strokeWeight(2); circle(115, 135, 40); circle(185, 135, 40); line(136, 135, 165, 135); line(95, 135, 80, 140); line(205, 135, 220, 140); //Body noStroke(); fill(0,0,0); rect(75, 275, 150, 150, 30); fill(229, 181, 161); triangle(125, 275, 175, 275, 150, 290); } function draw() { print(mouseX + "," + mouseY); }
function setup() {
  createCanvas(350, 350);

  fill(90, 56, 37);
  arc(150, 135, 170, 170, PI, TWO_PI);
  rect(65, 135, 170, 135);
  fill(229, 181, 161);
  rect(125, 220, 50, 60);
  // Head
  fill(232, 190, 172);
  ellipse(150, 150, 145, 165);

  // Eyes
  ellipse(115, 135, 27, 15);
  ellipse(185, 135, 27, 15);
  ellipse(115, 135, 10, 15);
  ellipse(185, 135, 10, 15);

  fill(229, 181, 161);
  triangle(150, 145, 140, 165, 160, 165);

  fill(225, 160 , 164);
  arc(140, 185, 80, 40, 0, HALF_PI);
  fill(255, 255, 255);
  rect(140, 185, 40, 5);
  fill(232, 190, 172);
  ellipse(70, 150, 15, 30);
  ellipse(230, 150, 15, 30);
  stroke(0, 0, 0);
  line(100, 115, 120, 110); 
  line(180, 110, 200, 115);
  stroke(0, 0, 0);
  circle(115, 135, 40);
  circle(185, 135, 40);
  line(136, 135, 165, 135);
  line(95, 135, 80, 140); 
  line(205, 135, 220, 140);
  rect(75, 275, 150, 150, 30);
  fill(229, 181, 161);
  triangle(125, 275, 175, 275, 150, 290);

function draw() {
   print(mouseX + "," + mouseY);

Approach and Reflection:

I spent some time figuring out what commands/shapes I should use to make the cartoon a basic face before adding self-specific aspects. It took some trial and error for the different parts to come together as a whole. In the future, I would probably like to experiment further with my code to test moving features or other interactive aspects to make it more interesting.


Assignment 1: Me


As this is the beginning of our course my Art is simple and cool. I made a portrait of how I might look in two weeks. I love stars so I decided to add it to my art.


Creating the dynamic stars was hard for me as this was my first time using JavaScript. I wish I could do better though so I hope to be able to use my future knowledge to improve my work.

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for(let i=0;i<50;i++){
for(let i=0;i<50;i++){ noStroke(); circle(random(400),random(400),2); }
for(let i=0;i<50;i++){

Drawing the body was fun.


I hope to be more creative next time. Hope you love my work. Cheers!

Week 1 – Assignment – Self Portrait

The first week of the Introduction to Interactive Media course has been a beautiful beginning to this exciting journey. We were introduced to p5.js, a platform for creative coding, and delved right into it by learning to form two-dimensional primitive shapes with the help of available functions. The assignment to create a self-portrait using these concepts allowed me to explore my creativity and translate my imagination into a coded sketch.

My main goal with this assignment was to incorporate and master all the functions introduced in class. I approached the task without any image in mind and began with a simple ellipse to form the face. The rest of the sketch evolved based on spontaneous decisions. I wanted to achieve a realistic look for the hair, and after a few adjustments, I managed to create it using a combination of ellipses and arcs.

Throughout the process, I was extremely particular with details such as the facial features and the headband and worked to find the exact coordinates to position the shape using the print(mouseX+ ‘ , ‘ +mouseY) command.

To depict a bright sunny day in the background, I have used an arc and lines to create the sun, a simple image of birds using arcs, and a green rectangle to give an impression of the ground.

I wanted to experiment with this new form of creativity by making the sketch interactive. I tried this by incorporating the built-in variables of mouseX and mouseY to make the girl raise her hand, waving with a broadened smile as the mouseX variable crosses 300. This was achieved using the if condition and is a part of the code that I am particularly proud of.

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//Waving hand
if (mouseX>300) {
else {
//Waving hand if (mouseX>300) { quad(315,350,337,350,345,391,325,388); quad(337,373,377,315,396,318,348,392); circle(337,389,24); ellipse(385,312,25,28); ellipse(372,307,8,15); ellipse(375,295,7,20); ellipse(382,295,7,20); ellipse(389,295,7,20); ellipse(396,301,7,20); } else { rect(318,349,18,52); }
//Waving hand
  if (mouseX>300) {
  else {

In addition, the geometric design on the t-shirt has a fill function with mouseX and mouseY as arguments, making the color change with the movement of the mouse. I have also used these variables to depict the movement of birds. Finally, I have used an if condition to make the girl blink when the mouse is pressed.

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if (mouseX) {
//Birds if (mouseX) { noFill(); arc(153+(mouseX/5),56-(mouseY/5),47,40,0-HALF_PI,0); arc(200+(mouseX/5),56-(mouseY/5),47,40,PI,PI+HALF_PI); arc(125+(mouseX/10),85-(mouseY/10),47,40,0-HALF_PI,0); arc(172+(mouseX/10),85-(mouseY/10),47,40,PI,PI+HALF_PI); }
  if (mouseX) {
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//Blinking eyes
if (mouseIsPressed){
else {
//Blinking eyes if (mouseIsPressed){ fill('#EDD29C'); ellipse(227,210,14,15); ellipse(275,210,14,15); } else { fill(255); ellipse(227,210,14,15); ellipse(275,210,14,15); fill(0); circle(227,212,9); circle(275,212,9); noFill(); arc(278,203,10,10,0,QUARTER_PI); arc(279,207,11,10,0,QUARTER_PI); arc(224,203,10,10,PI-QUARTER_PI,PI); arc(223,207,11,10,PI-QUARTER_PI,PI); fill(255); circle(228,212,4); circle(276,212,4); }
//Blinking eyes
  if (mouseIsPressed){
  else {


The assignment turned out to be a wonderful learning experience. I now find myself more confident with the topic. Reflecting on the process, I feel I would have to work on creating variables, which is something I did not include in this sketch. I would also like to explore the concept of loops as I felt the need to have repeated movement in a few places to enhance my sketch.

Assignment 1- Self Portrait


My p5.js project is a playful and interactive portrait of a cat that combines art and code to engage the viewer. The core concept was to create a charming digital feline character that responds dynamically to user interactions. The cat’s eyes are the focal point, where the pupils expand as you move closer to them, creating a lifelike and engaging effect. To enhance the overall aesthetic, the cat’s whiskers sway gently against a serene blue background, with white clouds drifting by, adding a touch of whimsy and serenity to the scene.


Highlight of Code:

One of the key highlights of my code is the way I achieved the dynamic expansion of the cat’s pupils. By utilizing the following code snippet, I was able to create a natural and responsive behavior for the pupils:

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// Change pupil size based on mouse distance
// Adjust the mapping so that the pupils start increasing from a smaller initial distance
let maxPupilSize = 50; // Maximum pupil size
let minDistanceForMaxSize = 450; // Adjust this distance for when the pupil reaches its maximum size
let pupilSize = map(min(min(distanceToLeftEye, distanceToRightEye), minDistanceForMaxSize), 0, minDistanceForMaxSize, maxPupilSize, 20);
pupilSize = constrain(pupilSize, 20, maxPupilSize); // Ensure pupilSize stays within a range
// Change pupil size based on mouse distance // Adjust the mapping so that the pupils start increasing from a smaller initial distance let maxPupilSize = 50; // Maximum pupil size let minDistanceForMaxSize = 450; // Adjust this distance for when the pupil reaches its maximum size let pupilSize = map(min(min(distanceToLeftEye, distanceToRightEye), minDistanceForMaxSize), 0, minDistanceForMaxSize, maxPupilSize, 20); pupilSize = constrain(pupilSize, 20, maxPupilSize); // Ensure pupilSize stays within a range
// Change pupil size based on mouse distance
 // Adjust the mapping so that the pupils start increasing from a smaller initial distance
 let maxPupilSize = 50; // Maximum pupil size
 let minDistanceForMaxSize = 450; // Adjust this distance for when the pupil reaches its maximum size
 let pupilSize = map(min(min(distanceToLeftEye, distanceToRightEye), minDistanceForMaxSize), 0, minDistanceForMaxSize, maxPupilSize, 20);
 pupilSize = constrain(pupilSize, 20, maxPupilSize); // Ensure pupilSize stays within a range

This code calculates the pupil size based on the mouse’s distance from the cat’s eyes, ensuring that the pupils expand realistically as the viewer approaches.



Creating this interactive cat portrait was a delightful experience that allowed me to blend creativity with coding. It’s fascinating how technology can be used to imbue digital art with lifelike qualities. I’m pleased with the outcome, as it achieved the intended engagement and charm I aimed for. However, I recognize that there’s always room for improvement and expansion in such projects.

Ideas for Future Work or Improvements:

In future iterations of this project, I plan to explore several avenues for improvement. One potential enhancement is to introduce more interactivity, such as allowing users to change the cat’s expression or even interact with other elements in the scene, like the cat’s tail or ears. Additionally, I could refine the animation of the whiskers and clouds to make them more fluid and realistic. Another exciting prospect is experimenting with different backgrounds and atmospheric effects to create diverse moods within the artwork, adding depth and variety to the overall experience. Overall, I aim to continue refining my coding skills and artistic creativity to create even more captivating and immersive digital art pieces.

Nourhane Sekkat’s Self-portrait


In this project my main inspiration was my background and who I am since it is a self-portrait after all. I started off with the blue sky, radiating sun and moving clouds since I love summer but also because Morocco is always sunny and perfect weather. Then I added a red banner with a green circle in the middle of it as a reference to the moroccan flag in which I put my portrait that I made as similar to me as I could get it.


My favorite part about my portrait is the sun shining and the clouds moving it truly gives it life and dimension.  Using previous knowledge, trigonometry and loops I was able to create an endless sky feeling as the sun rays expand and retract while the clouds are moving effortlessly through the screen.

Sun animation: 

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function drawSun(x, y) {
// Sun circle
fill(255, 204, 0); // Yellow color
ellipse(x, y, 40, 40);
// Animated Sun rays
stroke(255, 204, 0); // Yellow color for rays
let rayLength = 30 + sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 15; // Creates the animation effect
line(x - rayLength, y - rayLength, x - 60, y - 60);
line(x, y - rayLength, x, y - 60);
line(x + rayLength, y - rayLength, x + 60, y - 60);
line(x - rayLength, y, x - 60, y);
line(x + rayLength, y, x + 60, y);
line(x - rayLength, y + rayLength, x - 60, y + 60);
line(x, y + rayLength, x, y + 60);
line(x + rayLength, y + rayLength, x + 60, y + 60);
noStroke(); // Resetting the stroke for other drawings
function drawSun(x, y) { // Sun circle fill(255, 204, 0); // Yellow color ellipse(x, y, 40, 40); // Animated Sun rays stroke(255, 204, 0); // Yellow color for rays strokeWeight(2); let rayLength = 30 + sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 15; // Creates the animation effect line(x - rayLength, y - rayLength, x - 60, y - 60); line(x, y - rayLength, x, y - 60); line(x + rayLength, y - rayLength, x + 60, y - 60); line(x - rayLength, y, x - 60, y); line(x + rayLength, y, x + 60, y); line(x - rayLength, y + rayLength, x - 60, y + 60); line(x, y + rayLength, x, y + 60); line(x + rayLength, y + rayLength, x + 60, y + 60); noStroke(); // Resetting the stroke for other drawings }
function drawSun(x, y) {
  // Sun circle
  fill(255, 204, 0); // Yellow color
  ellipse(x, y, 40, 40);

  // Animated Sun rays
  stroke(255, 204, 0); // Yellow color for rays

  let rayLength = 30 + sin(frameCount * 0.1) * 15; // Creates the animation effect

  line(x - rayLength, y - rayLength, x - 60, y - 60);
  line(x, y - rayLength, x, y - 60);
  line(x + rayLength, y - rayLength, x + 60, y - 60);
  line(x - rayLength, y, x - 60, y);
  line(x + rayLength, y, x + 60, y);
  line(x - rayLength, y + rayLength, x - 60, y + 60);
  line(x, y + rayLength, x, y + 60);
  line(x + rayLength, y + rayLength, x + 60, y + 60);

  noStroke(); // Resetting the stroke for other drawings

Cloud animation: 

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// Moving clouds
drawCloud(cloud1X, 60); // Cloud on the right of the sun
drawCloud(cloud2X, 100); // Cloud below the sun
drawCloud(cloud3X, 350); // Cloud at the bottom
//Moves the clouds
cloud1X += 1;
cloud2X += 1;
cloud3X += 1;
// Loop the clouds once they move off screen
if (cloud1X > width + 30) {
cloud1X = -60;
if (cloud2X > width + 30) {
cloud2X = -60;
if (cloud3X > width + 30) {
cloud3X = -60;
function drawCloud(x, y) {
// Group of ellipses to form a cloud shape
ellipse(x, y, 30, 30);
ellipse(x + 20, y, 30, 30);
ellipse(x - 20, y, 30, 30);
ellipse(x - 20, y, 30, 30);
ellipse(x + 10, y + 15, 30, 30);
ellipse(x - 10, y + 15, 30, 30);
// Moving clouds drawCloud(cloud1X, 60); // Cloud on the right of the sun drawCloud(cloud2X, 100); // Cloud below the sun drawCloud(cloud3X, 350); // Cloud at the bottom //Moves the clouds cloud1X += 1; cloud2X += 1; cloud3X += 1; // Loop the clouds once they move off screen if (cloud1X > width + 30) { cloud1X = -60; } if (cloud2X > width + 30) { cloud2X = -60; } if (cloud3X > width + 30) { cloud3X = -60; } ........ function drawCloud(x, y) { fill(255); // Group of ellipses to form a cloud shape ellipse(x, y, 30, 30); ellipse(x + 20, y, 30, 30); ellipse(x - 20, y, 30, 30); ellipse(x - 20, y, 30, 30); ellipse(x + 10, y + 15, 30, 30); ellipse(x - 10, y + 15, 30, 30); }
// Moving clouds
  drawCloud(cloud1X, 60); // Cloud on the right of the sun
  drawCloud(cloud2X, 100); // Cloud below the sun
  drawCloud(cloud3X, 350); // Cloud at the bottom

  //Moves the clouds
  cloud1X += 1;
  cloud2X += 1;
  cloud3X += 1; 

  // Loop the clouds once they move off screen
  if (cloud1X > width + 30) {
    cloud1X = -60;
  if (cloud2X > width + 30) {
    cloud2X = -60;
  if (cloud3X > width + 30) {
    cloud3X = -60;

function drawCloud(x, y) {

  // Group of ellipses to form a cloud shape
  ellipse(x, y, 30, 30);
  ellipse(x + 20, y, 30, 30);
  ellipse(x - 20, y, 30, 30);
  ellipse(x - 20, y, 30, 30);
  ellipse(x + 10, y + 15, 30, 30);
  ellipse(x - 10, y + 15, 30, 30);

Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements:

The sketch successfully brings together elements of animation and interactivity, and overall bring out what I wanted to from the beginning a serene day in Morocco and who I am. While the current representation is visually appealing, there are several areas of potential enhancement:

-Day to night: I would love to create an aspect in which based on the time of day the sky and the sun changes color and position or even switches to a moon and the clouds change for stars.

-More similarity to me: I would love to be able to figure out how to add more details to the portrait since I do think it’s not as similar to me as I envisioned especially with the hair and other lack of characteristics that were due to not knowing how to manipulate the shapes in my favor.

Self Portrait – “HOME?”

After joining the Intro to Interactive Media course on the second lecture, I already felt as though I had fallen behind and missed out on the most important basics that we needed to know for our first assignment. Nevertheless, I took this as an opportunity to try and discover the basic features of p5.js on my own.

Our first assignment is to create a self-portrait in p5.js. As I began brainstorming what I wanted to create, I looked outside my window, viewing the Abu Dhabi city skyline, and an idea struck me. I reflected on the past two years of my life and realized that I have traveled to over 15 different cities and towns after having to leave my home in Ukraine. This idea inspired me to create a self-portrait of myself behind various city skylines.

Initially, I began by creating numerous rectangles of varying shapes and colors; however, once my code reached over 70 lines for just the background, I realized that there had to be a different way to implement my idea into the code. I remembered from my time trying to self-study Python the concept of loops. Though unknown to me in the p5.js environment, I looked through the reference section and learned more about the “for” loop. After numerous failed attempts, including an infinite loop that crashed the website, I was able to create a look that generated a random city skyline upon running the code.

Nevertheless, my exploration did not stop there, and after getting closer to the final code, I realized that the randomly generated city skyline would go unnoticed if my self-portrait wasn’t interactive. Specifically, I wanted the skyline to regenerate upon each mouse press. This pushed me to look further into how this would be possible and I realized that I have to create a separate function to generate the skyline, which I could then connect with the mouse pressing functionality.

Despite many efforts to create a separate function to do what I wanted it to, I couldn’t get it to work. Nevertheless, as I was experimenting with my code, I got it to create an interesting and fast-paced loop that would regenerate the city skyline extremely fast. This inspired me to modify my concept for the self-portrait. Since I left Ukraine, I haven’t felt completely at home anywhere, thus I decided to transform my first assignment for the Interactive Media into a reflection on how I currently perceive home.

Though I am sure my code could be written in a much better way, I am still proud for being able to create an interactive self-portrait which also reflects upon certain aspects of my life. This text of code was the hardest for me to figure out:

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//randomly generated city skyline upon mouse pressed
if (mouseIsPressed) {
background(246, 235, 144);
for (X = 0; X < 600; X++) {
X = X + 30;
rect(X, Y, random(width), random(height));
//randomly generated city skyline upon mouse pressed if (mouseIsPressed) { background(246, 235, 144); for (X = 0; X < 600; X++) { X = X + 30; fill(random(BC)); noStroke(); rect(X, Y, random(width), random(height)); } }
//randomly generated city skyline upon mouse pressed
if (mouseIsPressed) {
  background(246, 235, 144);
  for (X = 0; X < 600; X++) {
    X = X + 30;
    rect(X, Y, random(width), random(height));

Final Self-Portrait “HOME?” in p5.js:

Overall, despite the challenges I faced whilst learning JavaScript from complete zero, I am well satisfied with my result and I enjoyed this project a lot. I am looking forward to learning more about how to improve my code, as well as increase its complexity, and work with interactive and animation elements.



I wanted to draw myself in NYUAD. My friends usually call me Olaf, the Disney character. My characteristic seems similar to Olaf’s, cheerful and trying to think positively about everything. Also, since I get easily cold, I always wear heavy clothes even in Abu Dhabi to feel warm. In this portrait, I am holding a purple torch, the symbol of NYU. The red flake from the torch is made with several circles.


A highlight of some code that you’re particularly proud of:

The background color is sky blue, which shows the nice weather in Abu Dhabi. The snowflakes are not actually snowballs. They are sunflakes (?). I expressed how hot Abu Dhabi is by drawing falling orange sunflakes.

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let snowflakes = [];
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
function draw() {
background(135, 206, 255);
// Create a new snowflake at random x position
let snowflake = {
x: random(width),
y: 0,
size: random(5, 18),
speed: random(1, 3)
// Iterate through the snowflakes and update their positions
for (let i = snowflakes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let flake = snowflakes[i];
flake.y += flake.speed;
// Draw the snowflake
fill(255, 235, 0);
ellipse(flake.x, flake.y, flake.size);
// Remove snowflake if it goes off-screen
if (flake.y > height) {
snowflakes.splice(i, 1);
let snowflakes = []; function setup() { createCanvas(400, 400); noStroke(); } function draw() { background(135, 206, 255); // Create a new snowflake at random x position let snowflake = { x: random(width), y: 0, size: random(5, 18), speed: random(1, 3) }; snowflakes.push(snowflake); // Iterate through the snowflakes and update their positions for (let i = snowflakes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let flake = snowflakes[i]; flake.y += flake.speed; // Draw the snowflake fill(255, 235, 0); noStroke() ellipse(flake.x, flake.y, flake.size); // Remove snowflake if it goes off-screen if (flake.y > height) { snowflakes.splice(i, 1); } }
let snowflakes = [];

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
  background(135, 206, 255);

  // Create a new snowflake at random x position
  let snowflake = {
    x: random(width),
    y: 0,
    size: random(5, 18),
    speed: random(1, 3)

  // Iterate through the snowflakes and update their positions
  for (let i = snowflakes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    let flake = snowflakes[i];
    flake.y += flake.speed;
    // Draw the snowflake
    fill(255, 235, 0);
    ellipse(flake.x, flake.y, flake.size);
    // Remove snowflake if it goes off-screen
    if (flake.y > height) {
      snowflakes.splice(i, 1);

This video taught me how to make snowflakes (sunflakes) in motion. At first, I made many errors because it was my first time using random and let function. However, after I got used to the function, I tried different colors of the flakes.

Reflection and Ideas for the Future of Improvement:

It would be beneficial to know how to draw snowballs and snowmen in 3D shapes. Also, in the future, I want to learn how to draw fire from the torch. Since I only learned how to draw 2D shapes, it was pretty difficult for me to draw fire shapes. In the near future, I will make much more creative artwork using diverse functions.


Assignment 1 – Sleepy Self Portrait


My concept was inspired by ASCII art, as I loved the idea of integrating the digital with the concept of a portrait. Although it is not as detailed as some ASCII art found on the internet, it was a fun exercise to think of letters on the keyboard not just as a means of writing sentences, but also as a way to create a face. I found that the letters “O” and “X” were great for distinguishing between the hair and face, in addition to differentiating via color (e.g. brown and black). I also used the line function extensively to create an outline of the face, and added the “print(mouseX,mouseY)” code line to help me with attaching coordinates.

A highlight of some code that you’re particularly proud of

One aspect of the code I’m proud of is the droopy eye effect. I achieved it simply by duplicating the code for the eye line and adding an extra space to the second line. This created a dissonance for the eyes (and only the eyes) since I separated the face fill from the eye fill for that row in my ASCII portrait.

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text(" (0) (0) ", width / 2, height / 3 + 2 * x);
text(" (0) (0) ", width / 2, height / 3 + 2 * x);
text(" (0) (0) ", width / 2, height / 3 + 2 * x); text(" (0) (0) ", width / 2, height / 3 + 2 * x);
text("    (0)     (0)   ", width / 2, height / 3 + 2 * x);
text("     (0)     (0)     ", width / 2, height / 3 + 2 * x);


Although I am happy with this portrait as a base, I would have loved to add animation, such as mandala art in the background, to create a dreamy landscape effect. Additionally, I would like to add more detail by incorporating multiple rows of ASCII codes to enhance the definition of my face.