Reading Reflection | Week 3

“The Art of Interactive Design” does a good job in delivering its content by being interactive while it’s just a group of simple words but really made engage in the reading like if it is a narrator. The first chapter raises a question reagarding the definition of interactivity, claiming that interactivity is usually misunderstood. The author defines interactivity as a conversation between two actors. Last week while working on a website design, a UI-UX designer told me that whenever users interact with an element in the design, they expect to recieve a response. These words jumped to my head while reading the chapter and thus, I believe that this definition is exactly what interactivity is supposed to mean.

The author also discusses the concept of degrees of interactivity which is crucial in our understanding of interactivity while working on producing interactive designs. It is crucial because, as the author mentioned, most people believe that interactivity is a boolean property while it is, indeed, can be measured and evaluated. The degree of interactivity depends on the ways of communication between two actors whether listening or thinking or others. So, I believe that with the rapid evolution of technology this era, the degrees of interactivity will have a wider variation depending on the way its implemented in. For example, Virtual Reality applications should have the most sophisticated degree of interactivity as the users fully engage in these type of applications.

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