Week 4- Data visualisation code


The concept for this data visualization assignment is to create a compelling and informative visualization that helps users gain insights into the global impact of coronavirus-related deaths. I used the “Coronavirus Lat/Lon Dataset” sourced from Kaggle, which provides daily data on deaths, recoveries, and confirmed cases from around the world.

Challenges I faced:

The initial challenge I encountered was finding a suitable dataset to work with. I needed a dataset that not only contained coronavirus-related data but also included longitude and latitude information for different regions or countries. Locating a dataset that met these specific criteria was a time-consuming task.

A highlight of some code that you’re particularly
proud of:

let pointX=map(longitude[x],-200,200,0,width);
   let pointY=map(latitude[x],-200,200,0,height);

I am particularly proud of the code snippet where I use the map() function to transform longitude and latitude coordinates into screen coordinates. This part of my project stands out because it demonstrates my ability to convert real-world geographical data into a visually appealing representation on the canvas

Embedded sketch:

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