week#2 – reading reflection

It’s interesting how the juxtaposing binaries of order and chaos are so interrelated together and constitutes a vital component in visual arts. Casey Reas’ talk further enlightened me in this perspective. Randomness in art throughout history has been celebrated and such a chaos is what inspires the many variations of art we see in contemporary times. Yet it’s important to note that such a seemingly liberating practice involves delicate control, a notion that is reiteratively referenced throughout the video. Whilst this may be an implicitly obvious knowledge, it’s usually not something we consciously deliberate upon.

I didn’t know to the extent how closely interconnected the role of control was in chaos and vice versa. Following on from this, it’s intriguing how, even in our deliberate attempts to harness randomness, we are engaged in a kind of controlled chaos. It’s like we’re conducting an intricate symphony, guiding the elements of chance to produce results aligned with our intentions. This challenges the notion that randomness is synonymous with unpredictability; rather, it can be a tool for crafting intentional, yet pleasantly surprising, outcomes.

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