Ocean Waves

Concept: For this project, my inspiration came from an image I found on an Instagram account. Initially, I attempted to create a vertical wave effect and incorporate snow, but it didn’t achieve the desired visual result. As a result, I decided to shift my focus towards designing the sand and the waves, which evoked memories of my childhood spent at the beach. While I initially tried to create bird-like shapes, I ultimately chose to keep the design more abstract, allowing for interpretation by the user.


Code Snippet: I take pride in the code that generates the sand grains because I achieved pleasing results by fine-tuning the parameters. I’m also pleased with how I implemented the wave motion, giving it a slower and smoother appearance, in addition to using the concept of Perlin Noise in general.

function Wave() {
  this.yPos = 0.001;

  this.display = function () {
    fill(118, 170, 206);
    // Drawing a polygon out of the wave points

    let xPos = 0;
    // Iterate over horizontal pixels
    for (let x = 0; x <= width; x += 10) {
      // Calculate a y value according to noise and map it
      let y = map(noise(xPos, this.yPos), 0, 0.8, 200, 380);

      // Set the vertex
      vertex(x, y);
      // Increment x dimension for noise
      xPos += 0.05;
    // Increment y dimension for noise
    this.yPos += 0.002;
    vertex(width, height);
    vertex(0, height);

// Create sand grains using a loop
  for (let x = 0; x < width; x += grainSize) {
    for (let y = 0; y < height; y += grainSize) {
      let grainColor = color(random(235, 245), random(220, 230), random(180, 190)); // Light sand grain color
      let grainSizeX = random(grainSize * 1, grainSize * 3); // Adjust the X grain size
      let grainSizeY = random(grainSize * 1, grainSize * 2); // Adjust the Y grain size
      texture.ellipse(x + random(-grainSize / 4, grainSize / 4), y + random(-grainSize / 4, grainSize / 4), grainSizeX, grainSizeY);

  return texture;


Reflection:This project marked my first time using code snippets from online examples in P5.js. I enjoyed working with these examples and modifying them to match my creative vision. However, some of the functions and P5.js features used in these examples were unfamiliar and a bit complex for my current level of expertise. I spent a considerable amount of time exploring my own ideas from scratch, sometimes overlooking the new properties introduced in the examples. This experience highlighted the importance of experimenting with P5.js properties independently before incorporating more advanced techniques that may surpass my current skill level.





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