Scuba Diver

This is my first sketch of a “Scuba Diver”.

My art project does not seem as realistic as the photo. However, I tried to use a similar blue color and an array of fish to portray a Scuba Diver’s active moments. This fall break I am planning to go scuba diving with my friends. Scuba diving is an exhilarating and transformative experience for many people. The moment I descend beneath the surface, I can enter a completely different world filled with awe-inspiring marine life, vibrant colors, and a profound sense of weightlessness. The feeling of gliding through the water, exploring coral reefs or underwater caves, and encountering fascinating creatures can evoke a sense of wonder and adventure. The rhythmic sound of my own breathing through the regulator, the cool embrace of the water, and the importance of unity with the underwater environment can create a profound sense of peace and tranquility.

I created this art project to make people feel the same as me.

I wanted to make the fish look more realistic. So, I used arrays to store the points of the wavy background and objects (instances of the Fish class) to represent and control the behavior of fish in the underwater scene. Also, two images are preloaded using the preload() function: ‘scuba.png’ and ‘fish.png’. These images are used for the scuba diver and fish graphics in the sketch. Therefore, The scuba diver and fish move and are displayed on the canvas, creating an animated underwater environment.

// Create the blue wave
  let xOff = 0;
  for (let x = 0; x <= width + 10; x += 20) {
    let yOff = 0;
    let y = height - 100 + map(noise(xOff, yOff), 0, 1, -20, 20);
    wave.push(createVector(x, y));
    xOff += 0.1; // Adjust the noise detail for different wave patterns

  // Create fish objects
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    fish.push(new Fish());
function preload() {
  // Load the dolphin and fish images
  dolphinImg = loadImage('dolphin.png');
  fishImage = loadImage('fish.png');

To enhance my code for the underwater scene, there are several areas for improvement. It would be better to reorganize the code by dividing it into functions or classes to improve readability and maintainability. Additionally, defining constants or variables for parameters such as canvas dimensions, image sizes, and the number of fish can make it easier to experiment with different settings. Maybe next time, comprehensive comments and documentation can be added throughout the code to explain its various components and functions, aiding in understanding and collaboration. I would try to make more lively and aesthetic waves also!



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