Week 3 – Reflection

Chris Crawford the author of The Art of Interactive Design includes many of personal concepts of understanding towards the art of interactivity. He starts off by claiming how the term is overused and barely understood. Crawford considered the definition of interaction to be: a cycle process in which two actors alternately listen, think, and speak. Anything can be interactive as long as it is an active action between the two ends of the line.
Crawford then dives more into interactivity design; the key in order to manage a good program that ends up ranging from a website to a game is to understand how and what makes things interactive. He goes back into the three main points of interactivity:

-Listening: In order to manage healthy conversations with other people, listening and carrying a meaningful understanding towards another will gain a sense of mutual respect.

-Thinking: To make this conversation even more successful, recalling and using empathy will help enjoy the company with the other speaker.

-Speaking: Lastly, and here is where interactivity comes, the other party must join in by adding on thoughts related to the subject.

Knowing what makes things interactive is crucial for effectively developing websites, computer games, and software. In his book “The Art of Interactive Design,” Chris Crawford simplifies the concept of interactivity, explaining what it is, how it functions, its significance, and how to create excellent interactive software and websites. Crawford’s maneges to add a hint of an artistic aspect into the concept of interactivity.

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