Assignment 3 – Interactive Game Art: Collecting Falling Bricks


The concept behind “Collecting Falling Bricks” was to recreate a nostalgic gaming experience from my youth where players control a vibrant block using the right and left arrow keys. The game revolves around the simple yet addictive task of collecting falling grey bricks. As you collect these bricks, your score gradually increases, prominently displayed on the canvas’s top left corner. The game is designed to be endless, allowing players to collect as many bricks as they desire without facing a game-over scenario.

Highlight of the Code

One of the code highlights that I’m particularly proud of is the implementation of the continuous gameplay loop. This loop ensures that new falling bricks are introduced at regular intervals, maintaining an engaging pace and preventing the game from becoming too static. Below is a snippet of the code responsible for this:

// Continuous gameplay loop
setInterval(() => {
  objects.push(new FallingObject());
}, 1000);


Creating this interactive game art was an exciting journey for me as I combined my creativity and coding skills. For future work, I envision adding a new layer of challenge to the game. Instead of an endless loop, I plan to implement a game-over mechanism that will test players’ skills and add excitement to the gameplay. When a player misses collecting a brick, they would start the game anew, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation to improve their score.

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