Assignment 2: Loops

For this assignment, I drew inspiration from Casey Reas, who delved into the realm of randomness in his artistic endeavors. What has always fascinated me about art is that there’s no single “correct” way to perceive it. So, I set out to create something that generates different results based on user interaction. I designed squares with circles inside them, and these circles change in size as the user hovers their mouse over the squares. This introduces an element of unpredictability and variability into the creative process, echoing Casey Reas’s exploration of randomness.

The part of code that I like is this:

In this section, when the mouse hovers over a square, it dynamically adjusts the size of the associated circle according to specific conditions. This results in a captivating pulsating effect for the circles when users interact with the squares. What makes this fascinating is that each person’s experience will yield a different pattern based on where and how long they hover their mouse.

I found this assignment to be a delightful exploration. It prompted me to view art and generative art from a fresh perspective, highlighting that even within randomness, there exists an underlying sense of pattern. It’s as if the elements of chance and algorithms are working together to create a structured yet ever-evolving composition.


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