Assignment 2 – AakifR

I wanted to use the Urdu word عشق or Ishq and create a fun pattern with it while also involving some level of animation in it. I created a function that would make the word and then I called it in the draw function to repeatedly draw the word on the canvas and create a repetitive pattern. I changed how the word looks each time it is called by using random(). If you want the animation to restart, you can click your mouse.

Not technically too exciting, but I’m kind of proud of creating the word عشق through programming. It was a slightly tedious process and I’m also interested in learning how to streamline that process.


I really wanted each عشق to rotate around a point, but it turned out that it was harder than I thought and it’s something I still need to figure out.

let angle = 0; 

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1200, 1200);
  background(250, 141, 141);
  // let's draw ishq
//   function executeishq(){
//    for (let xchange = 0; xchange < width; xchange = xchange +30){
//     for (let ychange = 0; ychange < height ; ychange = ychange +30){
//     noStroke();
//     fill(random(100,105),random(10,55),random(25,55));
//     rotate(random(1,90));
//   drawishq(xchange + random (1, 100),ychange + random(1,100), random(1,5));
//     }
// }

// }

function drawishq(xpos,ypos, size){ //the xpos, ypos change the position of ishq on screen
  //first letter
  square(16 + xpos,20 + ypos,size,2);
  square(22 + xpos,20 + ypos,size,2);
  square(28 + xpos,20 + ypos,size,2);
  square(34 + xpos,25 + ypos,size,2);
  square(16 + xpos,26 + ypos,size,2);
  square(16 + xpos,32 + ypos,size,2);
  square(16 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(22 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(28 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(34 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(40 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(10 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(4 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  //2nd letter
  square(-2 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-2 + xpos,32 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-8 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-14 + xpos,32 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-14 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-20 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-26 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-26 + xpos,32 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-32 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-38 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-14 + xpos,14 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-20 + xpos,20 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-8 + xpos,20 + ypos,size,2);
  //third letter
   square(-44 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-50 + xpos,38 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-50 + xpos,32 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-50 + xpos,26 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-50 + xpos,20 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-56 + xpos,26 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-56 + xpos,20 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-50 + xpos,44 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-50 + xpos,50 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-50 + xpos,56 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-50 + xpos,62 + ypos,size,2);
   square(-56 + xpos,62 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-62 + xpos,62 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-68 + xpos,62 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-74 + xpos,62 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-80 + xpos,62 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-86 + xpos,62 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-92 + xpos,62 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-92 + xpos,56 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-92 + xpos,50 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-92 + xpos,44 + ypos,size,2);
  // dots
  square(-50 + xpos,8 + ypos,size,2);
  square(-62 + xpos,8 + ypos,size,2);

function draw() {
  angle += radians(2);
    background(250, 141, 141);

  print(mouseX + "," + mouseY);



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