Response post – Casey Reas

Prior to watching Casey Reas’ eyeo2012 presentation, the interplay between structure and randomness in art hadn’t been a central focus for me when working on a new piece. However, his ideas really intrigued me and have reshaped my perspective on design. As someone with a knack for creative design, I’ve often contemplated the idea of subtly infusing randomness into my work, though it had largely remained an unexplored concept until now. Upon reflection, I’ve come to realize that I’ve instinctively incorporated elements of randomness into my creative process on numerous occasions, often without conscious intent.

Reas’ ideas really illuminated the potential power of putting together structure and randomness as tools for artistic expression. They have pushed me to think about how “controlled chaos” could enhance the richness of artistic pieces. One of my favorite visual examples is this untitled piece by Jean Arp:

This juxtaposition of ordered geometric shapes against what seems to be a more chaotic composition is what really captured my interest. I think the piece does a very good job at illustrating the idea of controlled chaos and finding the right balance between chaos and structure.

My main takeaway from Reas’ presentation revolves around the idea of incorporating subtleties of randomness within my work and finding the right balance between this randomness and intentionality within each piece which I believe, ultimately leads to more dynamic outcomes.


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