Week 2 – Reflection

In the video, Casey Reas talks about the evolution of art based on changes witnessed in the surroundings. Disturbance in the surroundings through wars or natural calamities often results in a shift in the art with a clear depiction of chaos. I found this observation to be really interesting as I had never considered that external factors could affect the type of art a person creates.

He further elaborates on the elements seen in art such as chaos and order which greatly influence the way one perceives the art.
A parallel is drawn between art and code, with a focus on order and randomness and how a slight change in symmetry can entirely transform a creative piece from a state of order to absolute chaos.

The video sheds light on the evolution of art through the years and how the state of randomness can now be expressed in a more complex way.

I found the discussion on the space between order and chaos quite insightful, and hope to consciously implement and analyze these concepts while viewing art and code in the future.

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