Reading Reflection 2, Casey Reas:


One thing that caught my attention during the speech was the idea that embracing chance can lead to novel and unexpected outcomes in art and design. By introducing elements of randomness into the creative process, artists and designers can break away from the constraints of their own preconceived notions and habits, allowing for the emergence of truly unique and innovative works. This notion challenges the traditional idea of the artist as a deliberate and controlled creator, highlighting the beauty and potential of spontaneity.

However, even with this, I personally felt that the artwork as it may seem uncontrolled, actually is controlled on a large scale or a micro-scale. The use of algorithms to program art introduces randomness in a controlled manner, providing artists with structured ways to explore chance operations. This approach not only encourages experimentation but also raises questions about the relationship between human intention and the role of code in shaping creative outcomes.

The use of randomness in a controlled manner encourages artists and designers to embrace chance as a source of inspiration and innovation, and it challenges us to explore the boundaries between intention and serendipity in our work.

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