Assignment 2 – NOWISWHENWEARE p5.js Installation


The concept for my code was heavily inspired by the lighting and sound installation NOWISWHENWEARE by Andrew Schneider. After witnessing his installation multiple times over the last two weeks, I was inspired to create a floating grid that encapsulates the feeling of stars in the same way his installation did. While creating the animation, I was also reminded of and inspired by the early prototype computer graphics made by NASA and connected the imagery of a rotating space shuttle (I can’t remember which documentary I had watched it on) to the grid with sparkling stars.

After the rotating box was set, the sparkling stars were meant to represent the floating LED lights in Schneider’s installation. A constantly changing background hue was added to add dynamics, as well as a vintage, spacey color palette.


for (let i = 0; i < numSpheres; i++) {
   x = random(-boxSize, boxSize);
   y = random(-boxSize, boxSize);
   z = random(-boxSize, boxSize);
   translate(x, y, z);
   sphere(boxSize / 500);

The highlight of the code, besides using the bouncing ball logic to change the background color, was creating the sparkling stars.

Using the aforementioned for loop in a WEBGL environment, I was able to instantiate a 3D grid of random sparkling stars.

Using push pop and translate functionality, I was able to save and restore values for each sphere on the grid. This allowed them to stay within the constraints of -boxSize to +boxSize, creating the illusion of being suspended in the box itself.


I would love to add sounds to the animation, much like Andrew Schneider’s installation. Implementing a mouseX functionality that acts like the lanyard beeper present during guided tours would be a great next step to make dynamic changes in the 3D grid itself. Honestly, creating a 3D projection of this would be great as well, but I have no idea how to do that yet.


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